PostgreSQL Create User: A Complete Guide [2024]

Meta Information
Title: PostgreSQL Create User: Step-by-Step Guide with Examples [2024]
Description: Learn how to create and manage PostgreSQL users with permissions. Complete guide covering user creation, role management, and best practices with practical examples.
Keywords: postgresql create user, postgresql create role, postgresql user permissions, postgresql user management, postgresql grant privileges
PostgreSQL user management is a crucial aspect of database administration. This comprehensive guide will show you how to create users, manage permissions, and implement security best practices in PostgreSQL.
Basic User Creation
Creating a New User
-- Basic user creation CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD 'secure_password'; -- Create user with additional options CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD 'secure_password' VALID UNTIL '2025-01-01' CONNECTION LIMIT 5 CREATEDB;
Common User Creation Options
- Grant or deny superuser privilegesCREATEDB
- Allow/disallow database creationCREATEROLE
- Allow/disallow role creationLOGIN
- Allow/disallow loginREPLICATION
- Allow/disallow replicationVALID UNTIL
- Set password expiration dateCONNECTION LIMIT
- Set maximum concurrent connections
User Management Examples
1. Create a Database Owner
-- Create user for database ownership CREATE USER app_owner WITH PASSWORD 'secure_password'; CREATE DATABASE app_database OWNER app_owner; -- Grant necessary privileges GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE app_database TO app_owner;
2. Create a Read-Only User
-- Create read-only user CREATE USER read_only_user WITH PASSWORD 'secure_password'; -- Grant connect and usage GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE app_database TO read_only_user; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO read_only_user; -- Grant select on all existing tables GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO read_only_user; -- Grant select on future tables ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO read_only_user;
3. Create an Application User
-- Create application user with specific privileges CREATE USER app_user WITH PASSWORD 'secure_password'; -- Grant necessary privileges GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE app_database TO app_user; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO app_user; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO app_user; GRANT USAGE ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA public TO app_user;
Role Management
Creating and Managing Roles
-- Create a role CREATE ROLE developers; -- Add privileges to role GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE app_database TO developers; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO developers; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO developers; -- Assign user to role GRANT developers TO username;
Security Best Practices
1. Password Policies
-- Create user with password encryption CREATE USER secure_user WITH PASSWORD 'secure_password' ENCRYPTED VALID UNTIL '2025-01-01';
2. Connection Limits
-- Limit concurrent connections CREATE USER limited_user WITH PASSWORD 'secure_password' CONNECTION LIMIT 5;
3. Schema Isolation
-- Create schema and restrict access CREATE SCHEMA app_schema; REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA app_schema FROM PUBLIC; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA app_schema TO app_user;
User Management Commands
View Users and Roles
-- List all users SELECT usename, usesuper, usecreatedb, valuntil FROM pg_user; -- List user privileges SELECT grantor, grantee, table_schema, table_name, privilege_type FROM information_schema.table_privileges WHERE grantee = 'username';
Modify User Properties
-- Change password ALTER USER username WITH PASSWORD 'new_secure_password'; -- Modify user properties ALTER USER username WITH CONNECTION LIMIT 10; ALTER USER username VALID UNTIL '2025-12-31';
Remove Users and Privileges
-- Revoke privileges REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE app_database FROM username; REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public FROM username; -- Drop user DROP USER IF EXISTS username;
Troubleshooting Common Issues
1. Connection Issues
-- Check user connection settings SELECT * FROM pg_user WHERE usename = 'username'; SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE usename = 'username';
2. Permission Issues
-- Check user privileges SELECT * FROM information_schema.role_table_grants WHERE grantee = 'username';
Best Practices Summary
- Always use strong passwords
- Implement the principle of least privilege
- Use roles for group permissions
- Regularly audit user access
- Set password expiration dates
- Limit connection counts for service accounts
- Use schema isolation for security
- Regular backup of user privileges
Proper user management is essential for PostgreSQL database security. By following these examples and best practices, you can create a secure and well-organized database access structure. Remember to regularly review and update user privileges to maintain security.
Last Updated: November 2024
Reference: PostgreSQL 16 Documentation